
INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: "Let's take Lando out!"
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Author:  westracing01 [ Mon May 04, 2020 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: 1996 U.S. 500 at Michigan

1) The Indycar iRacing experiment is over for now, so punishment will only be for show as most of these guys won't be back. At least that's the thinking.

2) Regardless of #1, Simon and Santino need to be banned from iRacing for a month.

3) The "it's not real" is garbage. The only thing not real is that you can't get hurt in a crash. The competition is real, the cars are not. At the end of the day, what is racing? Competition. Sim Racing is perhaps the only form of competition that is as close to the real thing as we can get in this current environment. Baseball, Soccer, Football, Basketball, etc. cannot be done in the virtual form with basically any physical exertion. The only physical exertion that Sim Racers don't get the effect of is the G-Forces a real car would exert. However, heat, concentration, man handling the car (especially if you have a DD wheel and it's turned up), etc, are all present.

Side Note: I've read stories of Roger firing employees for less than what Simon did Saturday. Now I'm sure he's not shit canning the defending Indy 500 Champion, but I cannot image he's too pleased with the situation.

Author:  Dan Belcher [ Mon May 04, 2020 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: 1996 U.S. 500 at Michigan

One thing that just came to mind with the "it's just a game!" argument... Let's say you're at a bar playing some billiards with your friend. No money is on the line or anything, you are just playing some 8 ball while having some drinks. You're both out of your own balls and it's just the 8 ball left, you line up your shot and it's heading right for the pocket... and then your friend reaches down and swats the ball out of the way, starts laughing, and says "it's just a game!" There was nothing at stake here, you're just having fun, but still, that is shitty, right? Nobody wants that, right?

Author:  westracing01 [ Mon May 04, 2020 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: 1996 U.S. 500 at Michigan

Shit like that is how barroom cues get broke and friendships end.

Author:  Chris A [ Mon May 04, 2020 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: 1996 U.S. 500 at Michigan

Yeah, "it's just a game" doesn't excuse shitty sportsmanship. There are rules/expectations for a reason. It sucks the fun out of whatever the activity is if people aren't making any good faith effort to play fairly.

Author:  LucasWheldon [ Mon May 04, 2020 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: 1996 U.S. 500 at Michigan

I believe that once you pay a big buck to build a rig to run those kind of sims (sometimes enough to buy an used car or even build a kart) you must be aware that it crossed the line between a game just for fun and a tool to replace driving

if they want to play a game just for fun make them do some rounds at Mario Kart before the sim races

Author:  amq55 [ Tue May 05, 2020 12:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: 1996 U.S. 500 at Michigan

LucasWheldon wrote:
I believe that once you pay a big buck to build a rig to run those kind of sims (sometimes enough to buy an used car or even build a kart) you must be aware that it crossed the line between a game just for fun and a tool to replace driving

if they want to play a game just for fun make them do some rounds at Mario Kart before the sim races

The problem is that a lot of the drivers don't have their own rigs, their teams set them up for them.

Author:  LucasWheldon [ Tue May 05, 2020 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: 1996 U.S. 500 at Michigan

well that makes the situation even worse because they're representing the teams so is up to them to see if they want reckless and rage quitters on their roster

Author:  Juihi [ Tue May 05, 2020 7:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: 1996 U.S. 500 at Michigan

Lando said he spent about 24 hours practicing for the event, so it's a shame Simon threw his toys out of the pram, and it really damages Indycars reputation with drivers still racing in Europe, will they want to come and race in Indycars in real life now that they know the drivers are so salty?

Author:  Coldtyre [ Tue May 05, 2020 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: 1996 U.S. 500 at Michigan

I have just seen Simon's stream. It's worse than I thought.

While pitting for repairs, he clearly stated he would take out Norris. Then had a good 5 minutes and 3 laps (after repairs) to cool down. One of his engineers or spotters (the guy with a French accent) told him not to do anything he would regret afterwards, to which he replied with a fake "I'm not doing anything man, I'm just racing!", while clearly cruising through the turns mid-track.

LucasWheldon wrote:
if they want to play a game just for fun make them do some rounds at Mario Kart before the sim races

They did. They had 2 practice races where all the shenanigans happened. Will Power calling people a bunch of wankers, and jumping the whole field at a restart then kindly asking for his black flag to be removed :lol: I mean it really was in good spirit and good fun. And then he was serious for the main feature, which not everyone got the memo for apparently.

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while this is bad, I don't think it will have nearly those repercussions in real life. Indycar is a prestigious championship for any driver to get in, a little online stupidity won't change that in the eyes of drivers at least.

Author:  Philthy82 [ Wed May 06, 2020 3:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: 1996 U.S. 500 at Michigan

Says everything I'm thinking about this

Author:  Juihi [ Wed May 06, 2020 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: "Let's take Lando out!"

I've seen a few of these sorts of big racing channels/publications covering the incident which is good, hopefully it'll make the drivers think twice about pulling dickhead moves

Author:  Juihi [ Thu May 07, 2020 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: "Let's take Lando out!"

More commentary on what happened, people are not happy with Simon and Noodle head

Author:  Karan [ Fri May 08, 2020 10:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: "Let's take Lando out!"

Wow, Kanaan and Karam really giving it to Norris on Twitter today after his comments...


Author:  iks [ Sat May 09, 2020 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: "Let's take Lando out!"

Lando Norris is an idiot. He clearly showed that.

But I'm very very disappointed in Pagenaud.

No surprise with Sucktino though.

Author:  Philthy82 [ Sat May 09, 2020 4:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: "Let's take Lando out!"

Yeah, because 3 wide passes for the lead have never been attempted and certainly never been successful at Indy. Norris's move was risky but fine and not unexpected given the stakes, it was Rahal failing to hold his line (probably due to netcode) that caused Pagenaud to wreck. Kanaan is either senile or has been uncompetitive for so long that he doesn't remember what it's like to be second with 3 laps to go and the chances you'll take.

Author:  Juihi [ Sat May 09, 2020 5:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: "Let's take Lando out!"

Move looked completely fine, it looked more like a netcode issue that bumped Rahal, that's just an unfortunate side affect of sim racing from different parts of the world

Author:  codename_47 [ Sat May 09, 2020 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: "Let's take Lando out!"

What you've got here is old guys in the dying embers of their careers jealous of the young guys coming through, disguised as pretending it's "just a game" or F1 jealousy

Kanaan should've retired 2 years ago and Pageneud hasn't got long left either.

They just wish they were back being Lando's age with the world at his feet and so much potential and can't handle he's better than them now

Author:  LucasWheldon [ Sat May 09, 2020 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: "Let's take Lando out!"

well you can take the 3 wide easily, if you were racing at Daytona

Author:  Soul Reaver [ Sun May 10, 2020 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge: "Let's take Lando out!"

The problem is more on doing it to late. Marco took Tony out of the Indy 500 with a similar move. And he was his teammate. Tony is always harsh on security outside of the track, while sometimes being one of the craziest drivers on it.

Worst thing is that if there wasn't any netcode, all this wouldn't have happened, we would just move on after Lando winning.

Author:  Coldtyre [ Mon May 11, 2020 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: INDYCAR iRacing Challenge:

Philthy82 wrote:
Yeah, because 3 wide passes for the lead have never been attempted and certainly never been successful at Indy. Norris's move was risky but fine and not unexpected given the stakes, it was Rahal failing to hold his line (probably due to netcode) that caused Pagenaud to wreck. Kanaan is either senile or has been uncompetitive for so long that he doesn't remember what it's like to be second with 3 laps to go and the chances you'll take.

Come on mate, you're not being specific enough with 3-wide moves. There's a big difference between main straights and chutes. Passes initiated in the chute are already very risky even with two cars only, because people see you very late. This is the best example I know of, and it was a backmarker.

This doesn't happen often because people rarely get runs in the chute at the real Indy 500.
But if a driver ever gets a run on two cars at that location in real life, they really, really ought to back off out of simple respect for human life (theirs' and others'), unless they're 100% sure to be clear before the turn. Simply because you know very well that doing that, it is guaranteed to have between 1 and 3 drivers in the wall or fence, unlike when you're 3-wide down the main straights with space and time to appreciate the situation and act accordingly.

I don't know, this seems a sound principle to me, regardless of the very poor and immature way both old shmucks and young hotheads are handling it in the Twitter discussions given above.

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