
Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Kyle Busch is in Big Trouble
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Author:  Cheeveer [ Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Is Kyle Busch done for the year

mclaren2008 wrote:
If Stewart does win the Cup I think he'll be the first one to win the Winston, Nextel and Sprint Cups

derp derp he is the only one who can do that derp derp

Author:  Racefan4ever [ Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Is Kyle Busch done for the year

I watched part of wind tunnel this morning. A caller compared Dale Earnhardt to Kyle Busch. Despain said that Earnhardt resembled the "working man" and Kyle resembles the "nerdy" kid in school that everyone picked on that carries a chimp on his shoulder. I see Kyle as more as the asshole jock that picked on people/wouldn't be seen talking to the "nerds" as opposed to the nerdy kid that likes race cars.

Personally, I got picked on a lot during my middle school and high school days because I was the overweight fat kid that wore racing shirts literally every day from about grade 5 on. There was no such thing as a popular kid that was a racing fan, granted I occasionally saw some of the "jock" people at various dirt tracks. I'd say hi to them at the track and have a normal conversation with them. Then I would bring it up at school and they would deny going, or say there parent forced them to go. Of course we they were much younger back then and eventually I would see a couple of them later in life and would have normal conversations with, hell even one apologized for being a complete asshole back in the day. Kind funny how things turn out.

When I walk the pits in Indiana, a notice a lot of the drivers have that jock look that I use to notice a lot when I was in school. A couple of them play football or basketball. Some have 1000's of friends on Facebook. I see them as the jock type, granted maybe they aren't. Maybe they just enjoy to play whatever sport that they play and people friend them on facebook. It’s possible, I know that. But, some are complete assholes. They will say the fans are important when they get interviewed, but they will be the first ones to leave when the feature is over and they get changed back to street clothes. Most of these drivers are the ones that drive over their heads. When they crash and tear up equipment, they have mommy and daddy buy them a new one and keep on racing some more. They yell at their crew when something does not go right. The "nerdy" ones will actually have a conversation with you; ask you how you enjoyed the racing and what not. They will take the helmets into the stands for injured driver benefit donations, something the “jock” drivers hardly ever do. They work on the car themselves, and usually do not raise their voice when problems occur. They will hang out and sign autographs and let the kids sit in their cars, just trying to gain some respect, a future fan, and maybe a future t-shirt sale down the road. Those are the drivers that you want to see succeed not because they are hard working, but because they take the time to try a make and keep fans of the sport. A sport mind you that has seen a decline in nearly all forms in recent years.

My long winded point is, I don’t think Kyle Busch is the “nerd” that carries the chip on his shoulder. I think he is the jock that was an asshole as a child/teenager, and is still an asshole today because that is the only way he knows how to react to situations. Yes, he is a brilliant race car driver, we all know that. Most of us, hell most of the drivers wish they had the skills that he does. He does not know how to act. I hope he learns one day. They day he learns how to act, and not just say that he is a changed person will be the year he wins a Sprint Cup. He has all the pieces together; he just needs to put them all together.
And that is why I try not to watch Viewer call in shows like Wind Tunnel.

Author:  codename_47 [ Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Is Kyle Busch done for the year

Racefan4ever wrote:
carries a chimp on his shoulder.

The ironic thing is, the chimp is better looking and pleasant company to have around.

Better driver too, natch.

Author:  Ian-S [ Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Is Kyle Busch done for the year

The chimp on Kyle's shoulder is his wife, she's not exactly better looking, but could be a better driver possibly....

Dale is the nerd without the chip on his shoulder, mainly because he spends his spare time doing things nerds do, so other nerds relate to him.

Oh err, just realised how that reads, oh well, nevermind :lol:

Author:  Cartman [ Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Is Kyle Busch done for the year

Kyle would be the high school bully/douchebag who secretly obsesses over My Little Pony when he's alone.

Author:  westracing01 [ Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Is Kyle Busch done for the year

Gael wrote:
mclaren2008 wrote:
If Stewart does win the Cup I think he'll be the first one to win the Winston, Nextel and Sprint Cups

Stewart is already the only driver to win a Championship under both formats. That being said, I want Edwards to win the Championship, without another race win, however. To show consistency trumps winning, no matter what format.

Also, I am not a fan of Stewart either, but I hold grudges. (Daytona 2006)

Totally agree with this. I too hope Carl wins without another victory. 1 win championship? Was it not that very circumstance that gave birth to this God forsaken Chase in the first place? Always a fan of more Nascar ineptitude.

Author:  SBan83 [ Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Is Kyle Busch done for the year

Well, Johnson has no chance now. Maybe he can get up to 3rd but I doubt he will even do that. They had a legendary run for 5 years, better luck next year with that new paintscheme. Kevin and Matt are pretty much ruled out too as I don't see them capitalizing on the new Phoenix whereas Tony and Carl ran good in the tire test in August. Hopefully, it all comes to a head at HMS. I'd be glad with either Tony or Carl winning the Cup. Carl was my moral champion for 2008 as the ignition issue at Charlotte that year was mainly what did him in. He was the car to beat that race and pretty much all of that year. And if Tony wins, I don't want to hear everyone comparing him to Kulwicki for being the 2nd owner-driver champion. All Stewart does is take Hendrick cars and smile for sponsors while armies of staff handle everything else, like at any other team. Kulwicki actually did everything on his own short of sweeping the floors or driving the hauler and sometimes he even did that. Not a slight on Stewart as what Kulwicki did is simply not possible today but I'd hate to see him get compared to Kulwicki when all they would have in common would be the title of owner-driver.

Author:  highgroove [ Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Is Kyle Busch done for the year

Beaver Dragon wrote:
how can someone not like tony..

D: Maybe because since he's been in cup he's just as much of a whining bitch if he doesnt get his own way as Kyle is? Just because he's more popular than Earl doesn't mean people have to shift views on him and support him in his title bid. I can think of at least one instance every season for the past 5 years that makes me want to kick his head in after he's interview and cries about somthing either he initiated, or made a massive deal over nothing. Like I said... He's a bitch. No support from me. Although that being said, I do respect what he's done with his own team, and bringing it into contention for a championship, still, doesn't mean I like the guy.

Author:  Woodski [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Is Kyle Busch done for the year

highgroove wrote:
Beaver Dragon wrote:
how can someone not like tony..

D: Maybe because since he's been in cup he's just as much of a whining bitch if he doesnt get his own way as Kyle is? Just because he's more popular than Earl doesn't mean people have to shift views on him and support him in his title bid. I can think of at least one instance every season for the past 5 years that makes me want to kick his head in after he's interview and cries about somthing either he initiated, or made a massive deal over nothing. Like I said... He's a bitch. No support from me. Although that being said, I do respect what he's done with his own team, and bringing it into contention for a championship, still, doesn't mean I like the guy.

At least Tony ain't afraid to throw down when the time comes.

Author:  KingOfChins [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Is Kyle Busch done for the year

Beaver Dragon wrote:
highgroove wrote:
Beaver Dragon wrote:
how can someone not like tony..

D: Maybe because since he's been in cup he's just as much of a whining bitch if he doesnt get his own way as Kyle is? Just because he's more popular than Earl doesn't mean people have to shift views on him and support him in his title bid. I can think of at least one instance every season for the past 5 years that makes me want to kick his head in after he's interview and cries about somthing either he initiated, or made a massive deal over nothing. Like I said... He's a bitch. No support from me. Although that being said, I do respect what he's done with his own team, and bringing it into contention for a championship, still, doesn't mean I like the guy.

At least Tony ain't afraid to throw down when the time comes.

Or with reporters when the time hasn't come.

Author:  Philthy82 [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Is Kyle Busch done for the year

Who fucking cares about "throwing down" anyway. This isn't wrestling. Guys in sport that like to show how easily they can lose their shit and grab someone's collar or throw a weak punch just seem ridiculous to me. Much prefer the kind of driver who rises above it.

Author:  Tommy Vercetti [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Is Kyle Busch done for the year

Thread title might be true: Kyle rumored to lose his sponsor, suspended until Daytona

Author:  Woodski [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Is Kyle Busch done for the year

Philthy82 wrote:
Who fucking cares about "throwing down" anyway. This isn't wrestling. Guys in sport that like to show how easily they can lose their shit and grab someone's collar or throw a weak punch just seem ridiculous to me. Much prefer the kind of driver who rises above it.

That's what stockcar racing is born from, guess you don't go to your local track that often.

Author:  highgroove [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Kyle Busch is in Big Trouble

Stock car racing wasn't born from fighting...

Author:  Chris D [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Kyle Busch is in Big Trouble

highgroove wrote:
Stock car racing wasn't born from fighting...

But a fight made it pretty fuckin' famous.

Author:  Mobil1fan [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Is Kyle Busch done for the year

Racefan4ever wrote:
My long winded point is, I don’t think Kyle Busch is the “nerd” that carries the chip on his shoulder. I think he is the jock that was an asshole as a child/teenager, and is still an asshole today because that is the only way he knows how to react to situations. Yes, he is a brilliant race car driver, we all know that. Most of us, hell most of the drivers wish they had the skills that he does. He does not know how to act. I hope he learns one day. They day he learns how to act, and not just say that he is a changed person will be the year he wins a Sprint Cup. He has all the pieces together; he just needs to put them all together.
And that is why I try not to watch Viewer call in shows like Wind Tunnel.

And THAT'S why we need to stop dragging kids into Cup/Busch/Trucks when they turn 18, or into K&N cars at 15.

Author:  Chris D [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Is Kyle Busch done for the year

Mobil1fan wrote:
Racefan4ever wrote:
My long winded point is, I don’t think Kyle Busch is the “nerd” that carries the chip on his shoulder. I think he is the jock that was an asshole as a child/teenager, and is still an asshole today because that is the only way he knows how to react to situations. Yes, he is a brilliant race car driver, we all know that. Most of us, hell most of the drivers wish they had the skills that he does. He does not know how to act. I hope he learns one day. They day he learns how to act, and not just say that he is a changed person will be the year he wins a Sprint Cup. He has all the pieces together; he just needs to put them all together.
And that is why I try not to watch Viewer call in shows like Wind Tunnel.

And THAT'S why we need to stop dragging kids into Cup/Busch/Trucks when they turn 18, or into K&N cars at 15.

It depends on who you're talking about. Junior Johnson's son seems to know how to act even though he's just 16 IIRC.

Author:  EvilVendingMachine [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Is Kyle Busch done for the year

buster hymen wrote:
Mobil1fan wrote:
Racefan4ever wrote:
My long winded point is, I don’t think Kyle Busch is the “nerd” that carries the chip on his shoulder. I think he is the jock that was an asshole as a child/teenager, and is still an asshole today because that is the only way he knows how to react to situations. Yes, he is a brilliant race car driver, we all know that. Most of us, hell most of the drivers wish they had the skills that he does. He does not know how to act. I hope he learns one day. They day he learns how to act, and not just say that he is a changed person will be the year he wins a Sprint Cup. He has all the pieces together; he just needs to put them all together.
And that is why I try not to watch Viewer call in shows like Wind Tunnel.

And THAT'S why we need to stop dragging kids into Cup/Busch/Trucks when they turn 18, or into K&N cars at 15.

It depends on who you're talking about. Junior Johnson's son seems to know how to act even though he's just 16 IIRC.

That's because his dad is fucking Junior Johnson, and if he pulled the shit Kyle does every week, his dad would kick his ass before any drivers got the chance.

Author:  Mobil1fan [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Is Kyle Busch done for the year

buster hymen wrote:
Mobil1fan wrote:
Racefan4ever wrote:
My long winded point is, I don’t think Kyle Busch is the “nerd” that carries the chip on his shoulder. I think he is the jock that was an asshole as a child/teenager, and is still an asshole today because that is the only way he knows how to react to situations. Yes, he is a brilliant race car driver, we all know that. Most of us, hell most of the drivers wish they had the skills that he does. He does not know how to act. I hope he learns one day. They day he learns how to act, and not just say that he is a changed person will be the year he wins a Sprint Cup. He has all the pieces together; he just needs to put them all together.
And that is why I try not to watch Viewer call in shows like Wind Tunnel.

And THAT'S why we need to stop dragging kids into Cup/Busch/Trucks when they turn 18, or into K&N cars at 15.

It depends on who you're talking about. Junior Johnson's son seems to know how to act even though he's just 16 IIRC.

I'd say he's the exception to the rule. That being said, on-track actions are only part of the equation.

Author:  highgroove [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cup/NNS/Trucks @ Texas | Kyle Busch is in Big Trouble

buster hymen wrote:
highgroove wrote:
Stock car racing wasn't born from fighting...

But a fight made it pretty fuckin' famous.


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