
2011 Formula 1 British Grand Prix (July 8-10)
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Author:  drunkenmonkey [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Driver of the race - Silverstone

After a long long time: Fernando Alonso. Great job :flag:

Author:  Gabriel [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Driver of the race - Silverstone

Who voted Vettel lol

Author:  aerogi [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2011 Formula 1 British Grand Prix (July 8-10)

just saw the race.

I can only say: wow!

Author:  aerogi [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Driver of the race - Silverstone


Author:  gd49 [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2011 Formula 1 British Grand Prix (July 8-10)

ellis wrote:
Force India claimed that di Resta made an unscheduled stop, and that's why they screwed up and had Sutil tyres.

3 issues with that.

1 - if it was unscheduled then why was the tea waiting for him in the pit lane? Were they having a picnic and Paul just rocked up?
2 - if it was Sutils stop, then why wasn't Sutil parked behind him, wondering why Paul is there? They were only 2 seconds apart on track, there wasn't time to clear Paul before Sutil arrived
3 - they only had to fetch one of Pauls tyres. So if it was actually Sutils tyres then he was about to get 3 of Pauls

In reality, he pitted and they had 1 of Sutils tyres and they are playing the PR game after they fucked up the strategy yet again and ended up with both cars out of the points after they had them 7th and 8th in the race.

And as I type that, Paul is on BBC saying he got the call and pitted and the wrong tyres were there.

If you watch the footage again the mechanics run out of the garage with at least 3 tyres to put onto Di Resta's car, so it looks like they did have Sutil's tyres already ready. I think they just called the wrong driver in, poor form not to be more honest though.

Ellis wrote:
But lets put it this way. Lets say Perez starts ahead of Kobayashi, but messes up the start. But Perez still gets advantages on the pit stops, and is allowed to fight Kobayashi right until the last 2 laps, but still is unable to beat him. Then he is told to hold position. Would we make a massive fuss out of that? Of course not - it's perfectly sensible. And that's what happened here today. Given Webber got priority in the pit stops, whilst being behind his team mate (which usually decides the pit stop orders), I don't think he's in position to moan about favouritism.

It seems harsh to forbid Webber to race when his strategy meant he was strongest at the end of the race - given the way tyres go off this season, it's probably not fair to say race until 3/4 laps to go and then hold position. I completely understand why Red Bull did what it did, but given how dominate Red Bull are this year, it leaves a bad taste in the same way Ferrari's team orders when Schumi was at the height of his powers did.

Author:  kart99 [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Driver of the race - Silverstone

I'll give it to Alonso.

Author:  kart99 [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2011 British Grand Prix

A 7.

Author:  AxisVonOversteer [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2011 Formula 1 British Grand Prix (July 8-10)

Sorry but Horner is just comical. First off if he's talking "TEAM RESULTS" then red bull get precisely the same amount of points regardless, Second, and more to the point, after all the bloviating he did last season about Ferrari using team orders (and Alonso did not have an 80+ point lead) to hear him go on like that.... LOL

Author:  Fergo [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2011 Formula 1 British Grand Prix (July 8-10)

Got back a few hours ago, had a great 3 days. Biggest crowd I've seen at Silverstone in the past couple of years, most of which were going mad for McLaren (myself included).
Saw a lot of good battles at Stowe, Massa on Hamilton was immense when they crossed the line, such good atmosphere. Will try and post some pictures later and a video of the donuts Hamilton did. :)

Quality is a bit weird as I had to use the built in yt editor to sort the camera shake out.

Author:  dbr12 [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2011 British Grand Prix


Author:  alex1369 [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2011 British Grand Prix


good good

Author:  alex1369 [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Driver of the race - Silverstone

For me Hamilton because without him Alonso wouldnt win.
So these 2 old rivals will have a nice party lol

Author:  Juihi [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2011 Formula 1 British Grand Prix (July 8-10)

AxisVonOversteer wrote:
Sorry but Horner is just comical. First off if he's talking "TEAM RESULTS" then red bull get precisely the same amount of points regardless, Second, and more to the point, after all the bloviating he did last season about Ferrari using team orders (and Alonso did not have an 80+ point lead) to hear him go on like that.... LOL

I think it's BS as well, you can bet your bottom dollar that if it was reversed roles they would have been allowed to race

Author:  Shaddix [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2011 Formula 1 British Grand Prix (July 8-10)

AxisVonOversteer wrote:
Sorry but Horner is just comical. First off if he's talking "TEAM RESULTS" then red bull get precisely the same amount of points regardless, Second, and more to the point, after all the bloviating he did last season about Ferrari using team orders (and Alonso did not have an 80+ point lead) to hear him go on like that.... LOL

last year Ferrari did something against the rules, that was why he was against it
this year it is ALLOWED

for the drivers title it was the right choise, I'm sure Mark could take the win if he was in front of Vettel, Horner didn't want a repeat of last years Turkish GP, which is understandable

I also don't believe Vettel was just "slow" most likely he was looking after his engine

Author:  Scorpio [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2011 British Grand Prix

had entertaining moments 6/10

Author:  RtN [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2011 Formula 1 British Grand Prix (July 8-10)

I think there is not a lot for me to say about the accident with Michael (Schumacher). We were not side by side, and he obviously hit the rear of my car. From then on I had to drive with a damaged car.

He'll go far.


Author:  Karan [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2011 Formula 1 British Grand Prix (July 8-10)

Agree completely with Horner's post race comments here.

Vettel had probably turned the car down into economy mode since there was no chance of him catching Alonso. Yet Webber turns the wick up and is trying to hound him, risking taking both cars out which would've been embarassing for the team! There is a time and place to fight your team mate when the conditions are fair, but this wasn't it. Webber was told several times to maintain the gap by his engineer and flat out ignored the request, leaving Horner no choice but to intervene himself. It shouldn't have ever reached that point though...

Author:  kals [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Driver of the race - Silverstone

Easily Alonso

Author:  BrainPain [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2011 Formula 1 British Grand Prix (July 8-10)

Why would Webber not go for it if Vettel decides to turn down his engine mode and allow Webber to catch him and have a go at him? He is a god damn race car driver for crying out loud.

Author:  Karan [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2011 Formula 1 British Grand Prix (July 8-10)

Its not Vettel who decides it. Its his team that instructs him to do. Its similiar to when Button tried to overtake Hamilton in Turkey last year when Hamilton was instructed to drive in economy mode and the drivers told to hold station. And also because 33 WCC points are a lot sweeter than 0.

Look I admire Webber's determination and racing spirit. We can never have enough of that in this sport. But there is a time and place to fight your team mate fairly and this was not one of those times.

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