
2019 ABC Supply 500 at Pocono
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Author:  racer612008 [ Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2019 ABC Supply 500 at Pocono

27 minute highlights have been uploaded

Dario's take on the wreck

Author:  the ost [ Mon Aug 19, 2019 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2019 ABC Supply 500 at Pocono

Only change I agree with is removing the bumps. The rest is knee jerk reactions. The drivers need to respect their choice of vehicle and their rivals on the track.

Author:  electrodevo [ Mon Aug 19, 2019 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2019 ABC Supply 500 at Pocono

NVirkkula wrote:
But changing that wall alone is not as simple as it might sound.

I'm going to guess (armchair quarterbacking, of course :lol: ) that the wall height of the SAFER barrier and the wall height of the original concrete wall are kind of linked... the outer layer of the SAFER barrier is 8 inch steel tubing, and 5 of those welded together is pretty close to the typical race track retaining wall sizes I can Google (generally around the 3 ft range it seems). So increasing the height of this would probably be a massive undertaking.

That being said, for Pocono at least the safety fence in that section could be replaced by something more solid and less car-shredding, as you don't have to worry about the grandstands. It still might be a pricey endeavor though... any sort of solid wall would have to be able to handle 3400 lb stock cars thrown at it as well.

(Showing my age, I remember when Pocono was lined with only boilerplate walls, one of the reasons CART left the track to begin with. So things *have* improved over the years. :) )

Author:  kals [ Tue Aug 20, 2019 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2019 ABC Supply 500 at Pocono

The track isn’t the issue, the walls and fencing aren’t the issue, the way the car races is the issue. Each year at Pocono its the same. The first laps... either at the race start, a restart or after a pitstop are integral to getting a good track position. Otherwise you get mired in the pack and cannot overtake. This creates mayhem and some desperation in driving.

Despite a few fatalities in the past 15 years, Indycar has been incredibly lucky with many multiple near misses. Yet they have barely learned from any of them. Instead everyone is happy to finger point and move on. Yesterday Taku got the blame and people's attention is focused on that and the walls, but we'll gloss over how and why the incident occurred in the first place.

Author:  racer612008 [ Tue Aug 20, 2019 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2019 ABC Supply 500 at Pocono

after looking back, I do think neither Sato or RHR was at fault per-say on the point of the contact itself - but Sato was way too aggressive by going 3 wide. In some ways, I wouldn't be surprised if RHR didn't know he was 3 wide until it was too late. It seems to me RHR was drifting right to set up for the corner so he doesn't plow by making a early turn in to the bottom (turn in too early, car gets tight & either has to lift massively - causing a stack up (or) misses the apex, car starts to slide up and makes contact with whoever is on the outside or the wall itself). I'd say mixing that, Sato not realizing that the rear toe was gonna make the car drift left slightly, having the disturbed aero move the cars around & both RHR & Sato moving closer & squeezing Rossi was the main cause of the incident. Regardless, Sato & most of the field was way too aggressive on the start (going 4 & 5 wide on the front straight at the start of a 500 miler alone is ridiculous), thanks to the track being hard to pass currently.

Have to agree 110% with Seb on this as well (replying to Dario's view)

meanwhile, a spotters point of view from the flat bed

another angle from the crash - this one from the scoreboard hole for the radio guys, TV spotters & photographers in turn #2. Not the best angle by any means, but interesting to view regardless

Author:  Beezle [ Fri Aug 23, 2019 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2019 ABC Supply 500 at Pocono

Sato on the crash: https://eu.indystar.com/story/sports/mo ... 084713001/

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