
Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019
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Author:  LucasWheldon [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

and the one that since he lost his perfect combination failed to win the championship because of his own driving, unlike Alonso who lost due to poor choices

Author:  mclaren2008 [ Tue Jul 16, 2019 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

LucasWheldon wrote:
just reminding that one he won because of Petrov and the other because of Grosjean (and sheer luck)

the other 2 were because of Newey and tire changes

Alonso lost the 2010 title when he didn't let Kubica back through after passing him off circuit

Author:  Omega [ Tue Jul 16, 2019 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

LucasWheldon wrote:
just reminding that one he won because of Petrov and the other because of Grosjean (and sheer luck)

the other 2 were because of Newey and tire changes

You don't win the championship because of luck in the last race, you win it over a season.
But yeah, even in 2010 Vettel was responsible for a couple of crashes, and everytime he blamed everyone else.

Author:  mclaren2008 [ Tue Jul 16, 2019 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

Vettel also lost 3 easy wins with mechanicals

Author:  alex1369 [ Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

mclaren2008 wrote:
LucasWheldon wrote:
just reminding that one he won because of Petrov and the other because of Grosjean (and sheer luck)

the other 2 were because of Newey and tire changes

Alonso lost the 2010 title when he didn't let Kubica back through after passing him off circuit

That is all what would happen if...
Lewis lost the title in 2010 if his tyre didnt explode in Spain with coulpe of laps to go, that 18 points would have been enough fo him.
It is what it is.

Author:  LucasWheldon [ Tue Jul 16, 2019 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

I miss 2010, at least there wasn't domination

Author:  webbsy [ Wed Jul 17, 2019 2:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

And Webber would have won it if he didn't bin it in Korea. So 2010, the championship that could have had 4 winners. Other than 2012 it was the best season this century, though 2000 , 05, 06 and 08 weren't half bad.

Author:  iks [ Wed Jul 17, 2019 5:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

webbsy wrote:
And Webber would have won it if he didn't bin it in Korea. So 2010, the championship that could have had 4 winners. Other than 2012 it was the best season this century, though 2000 , 05, 06 and 08 weren't half bad.

2003 was amazing as well.

But yeah in 2010, I was so gutted when Webber binned it in Korea. Goddammit!!! :cry:

Author:  webbsy [ Wed Jul 17, 2019 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

Oh where would Webber have fitted in amongst this group of slightly above average champions? Button, Rosberg, Hill and....Villeneuve.

I'd have it as Rosberg, Button, Hill....Villeneuve and then Webber. Jacques gets ahead of Webber because he did win a pretty competitive Indy Car title, and you know, an actual WDC.

Author:  Omega [ Wed Jul 17, 2019 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

webbsy wrote:
Oh where would Webber have fitted in amongst this group of slightly above average champions? Button, Rosberg, Hill and....Villeneuve.

I'd have it as Rosberg, Button, Hill....Villeneuve and then Webber. Jacques gets ahead of Webber because he did win a pretty competitive Indy Car title, and you know, an actual WDC.

Webber as champion would have been given a clear Nr 1 status in the team, causing him to dominate 2011...
Vettel gets frustrated, makes his 2018/2019 mistakes already in 2011, leaves Red Bull. In comes Alonso, 2012 and 2013 World Champion with Red Bull.

Author:  EAS [ Wed Jul 17, 2019 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

Despite everything we're witnessing right now, I hail Vettel as a hero as he saved us from having Alonso 3-times champion twice.

But it must be said his status as no.1 driver is bizarre. Even Hamilton doesn't have such privileges at Mercedes even though they would be totally deserved.

Author:  LucasWheldon [ Wed Jul 17, 2019 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

I was rooting so bad for Alonso to win the 2010 championship that I liked a lot that Webber crash haha

In 2012 either, I was so fed up seeing Red Bull winning, couldn't believe it was going to get worse

Author:  codename_47 [ Thu Jul 18, 2019 12:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

Hill gets a bad rap because he was in underfunded lower league teams, people thought he would get special treatment because of his name but that led to him missing out on some good drives as each team assumed he'd be ok because someone else would pick up the slack, but none of them ever did

He himself admits though that having grown up being used to the huge power of motorbikes that weigh nothing, the power to weight ratio never suited him in the junior series until he got to f1.
It was only then he felt he could actually do it and was actually contemplating doing a Josh when he was middling around in f3000

His drives in suzuka 1994, Brazil 96, Hungary 97 and spa 98, among others prove the undeserving title is a bit rich tho.
I'd rate him at the head of that pack, with villenueve and rosberg at the bottom because at least the other 3 weren't devious about the way they went about their careers, resorting to downright over the line tactics in pursuit of glory.

Author:  kals [ Thu Jul 18, 2019 7:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

Scotty wrote:
Hill was mediocre at best. The fact he was dropped by Williams despite winning a championship his a clear indictment on his capabilities.

Except that's far from what happened. Hill was never part of Williams long term plans, always considered a second driver and a stop-gap at that. When Senna died Williams went looking for it's future. Hill wasn't that. That is why they auditioned Coulthard. That is why they went after Frentzen (but failed first time round), which lead them to Villeneuve.

In 1994 the team failed to get behind Hill despite him actually being a realistic title contender. Hill tried to rally the team around him to help heal the wounds of Imola. Instead Frank Williams and Patrick Head refused to back him, ignored his requests to put the number 1 mechanic in charge of his car and then publicly blamed Hill for incidents that weren't his fault. Case in point, Hill's front suspension failure on his outlap of FP1 at the British GP that year. Patrick Head's treatment of Hill in the immediate aftermath was pretty telling.

Frentzen was signed by Williams early in 1996 but the announcement wasn't made until much later in the year. Hill and his manager decided to hold off starting negotiations for 1997 and onward until the title looked more certain, and when they tried to negotiate they were stonewalled. Frentzen being signed by Williams for 1997 was actually broken by Autosport Magazine around the time of the 1996 German GP, much to Hill's disbelief.

Hill is often seen as mediocre, yet he wasn't that at all. What he accomplished on and off the track in some pretty character building circumstances was mighty. A true gentleman racer, probably one of the last in the sport, and a very deserving champion.

Author:  webbsy [ Thu Jul 18, 2019 7:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

Some good points there Kals...but you have to wonder why Williams acted the way they did towards him? Me thinks there is more to the story than that. 1995 is what makes me only rate Hill slightly above average. He did a Vettel on more than one occasion that year, and despite having the best car he wasn't exactly steller. Don't get me wrong, Hill was my favorite driver in that era, but even at the time I thought he was average.


On the flip side to that I (along with pretty much everyone else) thought Frentzen was going to be a superstar when signed for 1997. How wrong were we!!! So...goes to show what I know :lol:

Actually IIRC Nigel Roebuck had in one of his 5th Column's in Autosport in early 1997 or late 1996 an interview with Keke Rosberg I believe where Keke said that Frentzen would be lucky to win 5 races in his career....Keke was on the money.

Author:  kals [ Thu Jul 18, 2019 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

Hill has always freely admitted he underperformed and was guilty of overdriving the car in 1995. He put too much pressure on himself after 1994’s near miss. Contrast this to Coulthard who made multiple big mistakes through the year yet blamed everything around him apart from himself. The funniest being his excuse for hitting the Adelaide pit wall which resulted in a classic Jim Bamber cartoon comment of “car in idle, brain in neutral”.

Before the start of the 1996 season Hill went away to change his mindset, which he says was a major contributor to his success that season.

As for why Williams treated Hill that way, the only ones who truly know that is Frank and Patrick. Let’s remember that the team was stricken in grief at the time and everyone reacts differently.

This driver hassled Prost, Schumacher and a few others in his time. You don’t need a stellar junior record to be great in F1. Some drivers are late bloomers. Some click with some car types better than others. Clearly Hill had something as Williams employed him as a test driver then promoted him as a rookie on their race team. I can understand why people consider him mediocre, but I don’t agree and would argue that’s wrong.

Author:  mclaren2008 [ Thu Jul 18, 2019 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

What Hill did at Hungary in 1997 proved that he was decent. One of the great drives in F1 history.

Author:  Gaara [ Thu Jul 18, 2019 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

Hill was always handy at Hungoring. Just look at him managing to qualify the Brabham there. Shit car, underpowered engine and the team were already preparing to leave expecting a DNQ.

Author:  EAS [ Thu Jul 18, 2019 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

Scotty wrote:
Hill was mediocre at best. The fact he was dropped by Williams despite winning a championship his a clear indictment on his capabilities.

So were Mansell, Prost, and Villeneuve. This is more about Williams not wanting to concede on the leverage of champions than lack of talent of any of these drivers.

Author:  Coldtyre [ Thu Jul 18, 2019 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Rolex British Grand Prix 2019

Vettel was passenger in the car that crashed into the bus, not the driver - quote from the article posted earlier in this thead:

Out of the passenger to check the damage steps a rather annoyed looking Sebastian Vettel, who must clearly be wondering whether his driver mistook the red bus ahead for Max Verstappen’s Red Bull. I guess the chauffeur will face something more serious than a 10-second penalty…

So this whole conversation about undeserving world champions started on a false premise :lol:

I agree that Vettel just feels like he doesn't care anymore. Like he stopped believing that he will become champion again some day. I might be projecting, but something's increasingly lacking in his driving, his attitude, even his stare.

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